Personally, I think that once you give the government control of reproductive choices, you cannot take that power back. If I wasn't given the choice to keep my child, if my only options were adoption or an abortion, I would choose an abortion. I have felt and lived in the pain that can come with being adopted. I can tell you that it isn't always being grateful that your birth mother decided to give you life and give you away. Sometimes it's wondering if the woman who carried you in her belly for nine months ever even held you in her arms. Sometimes it's knowing that she carried you for nine months but didn't think of a name for you. Sometimes it's knowing that you were ripped away from a beautiful culture and language. Sometimes it's knowing that your adopted parents tried to have their own children first. Sometimes it's knowing that you were never really wanted. You could be a ticking time bomb just waiting to go off. Ever have to go up to your third grade teacher and ask if you would still be able to do a family tree since you're adopted? Or have your sixth grade teacher tell you that it wasn't necessary for you to do a genetic traits chart? On a lighter note, it also makes some school assignments a little awkward.